Feeling stuck? Frustrated? Overwhelmed by life’s pressures?
Perhaps you’re at a crossroads, a transition in spiritual growth, work or relationships.
Everyone can feel confused, alone or unsure during life’s transitions even while hearing the inner call to live life the way you dream it can be.
That call is the voice of your New You, your future self, calling you to evolve.
It calls you to give up your old story and become the next version that is already within.
It calls you to build on your unique high energetic signature that encompasses your superpowers and embrace all you dream you can be.
No need to wait, study or prepare. Paradoxically, you are there already.
Answer the call. Wake up! Grow up! Show up!
As a seeker, you know life situations are sent as a call to wake up in awareness, grow up past childhood patterns and step up as your unique, most powerful, integrated self – the New You.
Who is that true and marvelous you?
The present, joyful, authentic and powerful you.
The spiritually clear, wide-awake, beautifully radiant and deliciously joyful you. Fully embodied, fully integrated, perception sharpened, intuition heightened, your soul aligned with purpose and your heart bursting with love.
A high energy, high frequency, fully integrated New You.
Yes, YOU!
Now it is time to own it.
Live your most remarkable life. Embody the new you!
Work with me to:
* Envision your boldest goals
* Break through limiting beliefs
* Move past analysis paralysis to embody the New You.
You can live the life you’ve dreamed – be more present, more grateful, joyful and successful version of you.
Enter a world of practical magic and soul adventures.
BOOK NOWThe Soul of Business Mastery exist for those of us who know that growing a business and growing yourself are one and the same. With thousands of hours of business coaching and development under his belt, Stevie Ray has taken his work to the next level, helping you do more than aim at profit increase. With The Soul of Business Mastery, you will become the person that makes your business and your life work harmoniously, beautifully.
The Soul of Business Mastery
A series of twelve, 60 to 75-minute sessions, each with a specific business development focus, a business planning exercise, and a related spiritual practice.
Part 1
Session 1 Business Current Reality
Focus: The State of your business in the “5 M” areas: Me, Money, Marketing, Methods and Managing
Exercise: Strengths and Challenges identification. Current reality in each area
Practice: Embodiment of Spirit and spiritual grounding in business
Session 2 Soul Current Reality
Focus: Growing yourself to grow your business – What does it take? What blocks it?
Exercise: Prioritizing strengths to build on and challenges to address in each of the 5 M’s
Practice: Identify soul polarities and inner conflicts regarding growing the business
Session 3 Mission
Focus: Create a clear business mission statement building on strengths
Exercise: Write a draft description of the business with differentiators for One Sheet/Home Page
Practice: Soul Mission statement including unique qualities. Address a polarity/block
Session 4 Values
Focus: Identify the values of the business and soul development
Exercise Develop a few behaviors to embody for each of the values
Practice: Values around spiritual practices. Address a polarity/block
Session 5 Strategy
Focus: Develop strategies for soulfully growing your business – internally and externally
Exercise Strategic Direction Chart developed for each of the 5 M’s
Practice: Soul Strategies for evolving consciousness through business
Session 6 Vision
Focus: Creating a compelling future vision in each of the 5 business areas
Exercise: Guided visioning with an Ask Aion session
Practice: Developing a vision for the New You
Session 7 Brainstorming Ideas – 1
Focus: How to implement the strategies in Marketing, Money and Me areas
Exercise: Brainstorming goals and initiatives, and prioritizing them
Practice: Identifying Me integration tasks and initiatives, Part 1
Session 8 Brainstorming Ideas – 2
Focus: How to implement the strategies for growth in Methods, Managing and Me areas
Exercise: Brainstorming goals and initiatives, and prioritizing them
Practice: Identifying Me tasks and initiatives, Part 2
Session 9: Vision Mapping – 1
Focus: Charting a practical implementation timeline for Marketing, Money, Me areas for 12 months
Exercise: Prioritizing brainstormed initiatives for adding them to the map
Practice: Future You Visitation
Session 10 Vision Mapping – 2
Focus: Charting a practical implementation timeline for Methods, Managing, Me areas for 12 months
Exercise: Prioritizing brainstormed initiatives for adding them to the map
Practice: Co-creating the New You with Spirit
Session 11 Map Integration
Focus: Reviewing the map to ensure coherency, consistency and right timing
Exercise: Consolidate and finalize the vision map initiatives and their timing
Practice: Integrating and aligning internal parts on the vision
Session 12 Action Planning
Focus: Develop one or two action plans to implement initiatives on the map
Exercise: Your 3-Minute Business Presentation and commitment to next steps
Practice: Stepping into the New You and next steps together
New You Consultations go beyond information. They bring relief. From Aion, I transmit the energy you need both to understand and to actually LIVE your answers.
During a consultation, your guides speak to my guides and I translate. You may ask any question, which gets answered with compassion, humor, and the same deep appreciation your guides hold for you. Love floods your system to dissolve blocks so that you can enter your next phase of growth and awareness.