Imagine being able to ask Spirit …
… the Universe, your guides, or your Higher Self any question you have—about relationships, business, career, family, any area that calls you. Ask Aion events bring like-minded souls together in a powerful shared field to receive answers to burning questions through the transmissions of Stevie Ray McHugh. Stevie Ray explains, “Your guides talk to my guides and I translate.”
Each person with a question receives a five- to ten-minute answer with compassion, humor, and the same loving appreciation Spirit holds for them. These downloads from your guides come through Stevie Ray’s guide, Aion, the high-frequency energy also called the Holy Spirit in the Christian tradition, Brahma in the Hindu tradition, or Ra in ancient Egypt.
The answers are clear, specific, lovingly challenging, and deeply moving. These downloads have helped dozens to find clear direction, better trust their own intuition and evolve into their next selves with ease and grace. The love and high-vibrational energy that come with the downloads expand the heart and soul, creating a safe, warm and healing experience in community.
How it works
The event begins with a guided meditation to establish a shared, resonant field. Stevie Ray calls on Aion, Ascended Masters, and all the guides of everyone in the room. Typically, an inspiring message of love comes through, then participants ask specific questions of Aion through Stevie Ray.
The clearer you are about your question, the more profound the guidance you will receive. To prepare, ask yourself, “What is the question behind my question? What am I asking at a soul level?” Each person gets four to five minutes with Aion to answer their questions.
During the transmissions, Stevie Ray is eyes-open and present. He interacts with the questioner while translating the answers coming through to ensure the message to be sure each person fully feels and understand the message. The Ask Aion session closes with a short, spiritual and inspirational transmission from the Aion energy.
Be prepared to record your own answer from Aion so you can listen to your reading for ongoing inspiration and guidance. To maintain confidentiality, you may not record answers for another person.
Guidance is free to all. Donations gratefully accepted. Stevie Ray’s book, You are God Enough, will be available for purchase. This book is also available on
Upcoming Ask Aion Events
Sunday, October 22, 2017 @ 3:00 p.m.
7091 Olde Stage Road
Boulder, CO 80302
720-280-8960, Michelle
Host an Ask Aion Event
Interested in sharing Aion with your tribe? Email to let us know. We’ll be in touch within 2 business days to find a way to work together.