An unexpected encounter….
By the time Stevie Ray had ended that horrible phone call, he had lost hundreds of thousands of dollars and the last five years of his life in an internet startup, suddenly killed by the buyers. His retirement plans were shot now. Why had this happened? Where had he gone wrong? Desperate for answers, Stevie Ray did something he never had before. Even though he is dyslexic and had never learned to type, he sat down with his laptop and pecked out a question for God about how he could revitalized his career and achieve his soul purpose.
He waited for an answer. But nothing could have prepared him for what happened next.
Just then, a bolt of electricity shot from his feet, through his legs, up his spine, to the top of his head. Current arced through his body as Stevie Ray found himself hovering above and behind it. From here, he watched as his faraway hands typed out smooth, perfect sentences. It was the answer to his question, in beautiful language unlike anything he had written or read before.
This surprising jolt of guidance would become the first of many conversations that would reshape his life and his work forever.
A lifetime of preparation…..
For more than 25 years, Stevie Ray has coached and counseled hundreds of individuals seeking life changes. As a Gestalt psychotherapist and hypnotherapist, he has focused his private practice, first in New York City and now Boulder, Colorado, on helping clients make emotional, spiritual, and practical changes in their lives. As a corporate consultant and master trainer, he worked with top corporate leadership teams to catalyze innovation for companies such as AT&T, Met Life, Sun Microsystems, Hewlett-Packard, Life Care Centers of America, MTV, Olin Corporation, Zurich US Insurance, as well as numerous mid-sized companies and Humane Societies across the US. And as a business mentor, Stevie Ray has helped countless individuals in every field imaginable—entrepreneurs, small business owners, healing practitioners, non-profit directors, artists, career changers, and inventors—take their dreams to the next level.
Through insightful questions, deep listening, thoughtful challenges, and creative brainstorming he inspires clients to replace fear with the courage to be the creator in their lives, to step into the most powerful future they can imagine.